The Most Important Factors for the Organisational Success in the Future

Subject: Management
Pages: 8
Words: 2295
Reading time:
9 min
Study level: PhD


The range of factors which can contribute to the organisational success can be different depending on the discussed period of time. To predict the factors which will be the most important for the organisational success in the next five to ten years, it is necessary to refer to the relevant scholarship related to the field. A lot of various factors are determined in investigations and explored with the help of surveys in relation to their effectiveness and the role for stimulating the organisational success. That is why, it is also important to select the factors which can play the most significant role in the organisation’s development referring to the critical thinking methods and approaches.

Having analysed the current researches on the topic and credible traditional literature on the nature of the organisational success and its factors, it is possible to state that today the researchers are inclined to focus on the knowledge management, leadership, strategic management, innovation, creativity, and human resources’ potential as the success factors which can influence the organisation’s development positively during the next five or ten years.

To select the factors which can be the most important for the organisational success in the next five to ten years, it is necessary to refer to the critical thinking methods and recognise the problem (Fisher, 2011, p. 28). Thus, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the current factors which can be discussed as efficient in management cannot work in several years effectively. However, the process of the factors’ selection is limited with references to the number of current researches on the associated topics of strategic management and knowledge management. The existed literature on the topic proposes many factors to be discussed as important in modern business to promote the organisational success.

After gathering, interpreting, and evaluating the data, it is possible to state that researchers are inclined to discuss such factors as the organisation’s ability to change, effective planning, and the focus on the organisation’s mission as traditional because they are followed during several decades and they are the basics of the organisational success (Ansoff, 1957, p. 114; Mintzberg, 1990. p. 172-174).

However, referring to the evidences and results proposed in different investigations, it is possible to state that assumptions about the future significant role of such factors as the knowledge management, leadership, strategic management, innovation, creativity, and human resources’ potential can be proved because of the observed trends which are documented in the business literature (Rodgers, 2011, p. 175). The conclusions about the effectiveness of the definite factors are also made depending on the critically appraised topics according to which the most important researches on the problem of the organisational success are analysed and valued (Example of a CAT, 2013; What is a CAT?, 2013).

Thus, while referring to the critically appraised topics, it is possible to select the most influential factors for the organisational success more appropriately because of receiving the opportunity to focus on only the most important and credible information about the conducted surveys and investigations (Critical appraisal of a qualitative study, 2013; Critical appraisal of a survey, 2013; What is critical appraisal?, 2013).

The era of information in the people’s everyday life influences the development of knowledge management in business as the tool to interpret and use a lot of materials and practical experiences to achieve the organisational success. Thus, the techniques of knowledge management along with the methods of developed strategic management can facilitate the organisational progress, and this tendency can develop more in the future. The focus on the knowledge management can provide the perfect background for the organisation to achieve the determined goals and to complete the corporate objectives.

Such researchers as Badal and Fedor are inclined to discuss the significant role of the knowledge management factor as the tool and approach to contribute to the organisational success while stimulating the organisational performance (Badal, 2013, p. 2; Fedor at al., 2003, p. 514). The knowledge management factor is discussed as influential to change the employees’ approach to performance and work commitment as well as necessary to transform the managers’ strategies. The effectiveness of the team working with different sources of knowledge increases proportionally to the organisational success because of the open opportunities to compete effectively within the market using the company’s resources as well as the knowledge and experiences operated by academics and by the strategic managers as practitioners.

Modern managers choose to concentrate on leadership, innovation, creativity, and human resources as the factors to stimulate the organisational success because the employees and managers’ leadership qualities and the managers’ focus on practice can direct the organisation to the new stage of development. The authors of investigations conducted during the period of 2009-2011 are inclined to state that the effective leadership can contribute to the organisational success more significantly than the use of effective strategies because of the changed priorities in management (Boga & Ensari, 2009, p. 236; Rodgers, 2011; Salahuddin, 2010).

The organisation cannot work effectively if the employees’ activities are not oriented to the success and the work is not controlled and regulated effectively. To increase the employees’ commitment and improve performance, it is necessary to refer to the effective leadership. Those organisations which intend to take the higher positions within the industry should be changed according to the tendencies of the modern or future business world.

Thus, to contribute to the organisational progress in the future, the demand for the transformational leadership is observed today. The Boga, Ensari, and Salahuddin pay attention to the fact that in several years, the transformational leadership can be discussed as the main factor to evaluate the level of the organisational development (Boga & Ensari, 2009, p. 236; Salahuddin, 2010, p. 2).

The next important factor which will affect the progress of organisations is the focus on the technological development and the use of innovation in management and organisational activities. Thus, Dewett’s ideas can be discussed as correlated with the findings of investigations on the knowledge management in relation to the role of information and innovation to influence the organisational success and the work of the human resources (Badal, 2013, p. 2; Dewett, 2003, p. 168).

According to Dewett, the reference to innovation is the key to the organisational progress if the concept of innovation is connected with the idea of creativity important for the development of the organisation’s team. In this case, Dewett’s findings are correlated with Fedor’s hypothesis about the work of the effective team which is based on the advantages of using the knowledge management for promoting the organisation (Dewett, 2003, p. 169; Fedor at al., 2003, p. 515).

In her research, Rynes focuses on the necessity to overcome the academic-practice gap in the sphere of management because this approach in combination with the modern strategies and concentration on the advantages of the knowledge management can become the key to the organisational success in the future (Rynes, 2007, 1047; Salahuddin, 2010, p. 2). The ideas proposed by Rynes on the necessity to adapt the theoretical knowledge to the management practice are similar to the ideas stated by Kaufman on mega thinking and planning in the organisation as the way to the corporate progress (Kaufman, 2009, p. 6; Rynes, 2007, p. 1047).

Having analysed the current literature on the problem of the organisational success with the help of the developed critically appraised topics, it is possible to forecast the future focus on the knowledge management, transformational leadership, and innovation as the methods or factors to contribute to the organisational success.

Critically Appraised Topics Review

Title: “Let’s Create a Tipping Point”

Rynes addresses the question of the academic-practice gap in relation to management of new ideas and proposes the recommendations to overcome it. Rynes is the Professor of Management and Organisation in the University of Iowa and her credible and scholarly research on the topic is published in Academy of Management Journal.

Rynes states that new ideas can become useful for the filed of management when they are not only developed by academics but also used by practitioners. Thus, the author recommends intensifying the interaction between academics and practitioners to adopt and use new ideas and focus on innovation (Rynes, 2007, p. 1047).

The author’s argument is solid because it is based on the analysis of the previously developed qualitative researches, and the method is effective to respond to the problem of academic-practice gap. The recommendations proposed by Rynes can be transportable because they are free from bias.

Title: “Strategies for Diversification”

Ansoff addresses the question of combining the advantages of different strategies to achieve the organisational success. The author is the expert in Business Management, and he provides the strong argument on the topic of strategic management and diversification. Thus, the research’s results are published in the scholarly journal.

Ansoff claims that the focus on different strategies is necessary to promote the organisational success with references to the decision-making process. The author provides the arguments depending on the previous researches in strategic management and on the qualitative methodology (Ansoff, 1957, p. 114). The used methods are sound, and conclusions can be easily used in the larger context of social sciences.

Title: “The Design School”

The purpose of Mintzberg’s article is to state an opinion about the strategic management model used for increasing the company’s competitive advantage. The article’s author is the expert in the field of Business Management, and the article is published in the scholarly journal Strategic Management Journal.

Mintzberg states that management should work for the organisation’s benefits, and this approach should be based on the effective strategic model which operates the notions of the organisation’s opportunities and internal distinctive competence. The author refers to the previous researches in the field (Mintzberg, 1990, p. 172). Thus, the effective bias-free conclusions can be used in the larger context of business studies.

Title: “Organizational Knowledge Management Movement Strategies”

The purpose of the Badal’s article published in the scholarly journal is to address a new idea about using specific organisational strategies based on involving stakeholders in the process of promoting the organisational success. Badal is an expert in Organisational Knowledge Management.

The author discusses the issue with references to the factor of internal knowledge as necessary to contribute to the organisational success (Badal, 2013, p. 2). The argument is rather solid because Badal develops a specific scenario to support his hypotheses based on the qualitative research, and his bias-free conclusions can used in the larger context of management and social sciences.

Title: “Understanding the Relationship between Information Technology and Creativity in Organizations”

Dewett addresses the question of connection between such factors as creativity and innovation in management based on information technologies. Dewett is the Professor of Management, and his article is published in the scholarly journal.

The author states that the use of information technologies can contribute significantly to creativity and firm’s progress (Dewett, 2003, p. 168). Dewett’s efficient argument depends on the previous research in the field, and it is based on credible bias-free evidences and externally valid.

Title: “The Effects of Knowledge Management on Team Members’ Ratings”

The purpose of the article written by Fedor and the group of researchers is to address the question of knowledge management effectiveness at the employee level. The American authors are the experts in Organisational Management, and their article is published in Decision Sciences.

The authors develop the input-process-output framework to examine the team effectiveness as and the use of the knowledge management principles at the employee level. The bias-free findings can be used in the larger social sciences context because of using the efficient methodology and credible evidences (Fedor at al., 2003, p. 513).

Title: “Organizational Critical Success Factors”

The purpose of Rodgers’s research is to address the question on determining the important factors which contribute today to the organisational success with references to the England-based firms. Rodgers is the British expert in Management, and his findings are published in the international scholarly journal.

The research is based on the complex survey. The bias-free findings can be used in the larger context because the researcher indentified and organised the factors important for organisational success in groups, determining strategic, integration, design, and human resource factors (Rodgers, 2011, p. 175).

Title: “Mega Thinking and Planning”

The purpose of Kaufman’s research is to state an opinion on the role of such factors as planning and mega thinking in promoting the organisational success. The article of the specialist in Performance Management is published in the specialised scholarly journal.

Kaufman states that mega thinking is the key to effective management (Kaufman, 2009, p. 6). The author’s bias-free argument based on the qualitative surveys is useful to discuss the importance of mega thinking and planning not only in the management but also in the larger business context.

Title: “The Role of Transformational Leadership”

Boga and Ensari address the question of the leadership factor for facilitating the organisational progress. The article of the experts in fields of Management and Psychology is published in the peer-reviewed journal.

The authors provide a strong argument on the interaction between organisational success based on changes and strong leadership (Boga & Ensari, 2009, p. 235). The results of the sound qualitative research are free from biases, and they can be used in the larger contexts of the other research fields such as psychology.

Title: “Generational Differences Impact on Leadership Style and Organizational Success”

The American specialist in Organisational Management, Salahuddin addresses the question of the role of the leadership factor for the organisational success. The findings are published in Journal of Diversity Management.

Referring to the credible results of the large survey on the topic, the author concludes that dependence of organisational success on leadership is direct, and this bias-free conclusion can be used in the larger social and business sciences’ context (Salahuddin, 2010, p. 5).


Ansoff, H. I. (1957). Strategies for diversification. Harvard Business Review, 35(5), 113-124.

Badal, A. (2013).Organizational knowledge management movement strategies. Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics & Information Technology, 3(3), 1-6.

Boga, I., & Ensari, N. (2009). The role of transformational leadership and organizational change on perceived organizational success. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 12(4), 235-251.

Critical appraisal of a qualitative study. (2013). Web.

Critical appraisal of a survey. (2013). Web.

Dewett, T. (2003). Understanding the relationship between information technology and creativity in organizations. Creativity Research Journal, 15(2), 167-180.

Example of a CAT. (2013). Web.

Fedor, D., Ghosh, S., Caldwell, S., Maurer, T., & Singhal, V. (2003). The effects of knowledge management on team members’ ratings of project success and impact. Decision Sciences, 34(3), 513-539.

Fisher, A. (2011). Critical thinking: An introduction. USA: Cambridge University Press.

Kaufman, R. (2009). Mega thinking and planning: An introduction to defining and delivering individual and organizational success. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 22(2), 5-15.

Mintzberg, H. (1990). The design school: Reconsidering the basic premises of strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 11(3), 171-195.

Rodgers, M. (2011). Organizational critical success factors influencing balanced scorecard systems in UK healthcare. Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare, 4(3), 174-179.

Rynes, S. (2007). Let’s create a tipping point: What academics and practitioners can do, alone and together. Academy of Management Journal, 50(5), 1046–1054.

Salahuddin, M. (2010). Generational differences impact on leadership style and organizational success. Journal of Diversity Management, 5(2), 1-6.

What is a CAT? (2013). Web.

What is critical appraisal? (2013). Web.