A Case Study of a Defense Health Agency: The Significance of Group Support Systems: Introduction
Topic: Management / Health care
Sources: 58
Words: 7266
Pages: 39
Citation Style: APA7
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A Case Study of a Defense Health Agency: The Significance of Group Support Systems: Literature Review
Topic: Management / Health care
Sources: 110
Words: 12037
Pages: 60
Citation Style: APA7
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A Case Study of a Defense Health Agency: The Significance of Group Support Systems: Methodology
Topic: Management / Health care
Sources: 43
Words: 5882
Pages: 35
Citation Style: APA7
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Implementation of Hrm Policy Designed According to Shrm Perspective in the Public Sector: Introduction
Topic: Human Resource Management
Sources: 52
Words: 5000
Pages: 26
Citation Style: Harvard
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Implementation of Hrm Policy Designed According to Shrm Perspective in the Public Sector: Literature Review
Topic: Human Resource Management
Sources: 160
Words: 19820
Pages: 90
Citation Style: Harvard
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Implementation of Hrm Policy Designed According to Shrm Perspective in the Public Sector: Methodology
Topic: Human Resource Management
Sources: 61
Words: 14874
Pages: 58
Citation Style: Harvard
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Sweat Analysis: A Painless Alternative to Real-Time Vital Signs Analysis
Topic: Health care
Sources: 11
Words: 1608
Pages: 9
Citation Style: Harvard
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Sweat Analysis: A Painless Alternative to Real-Time Vital Signs Analysis: The Physiology of Sweat
Topic: Health care
Sources: 32
Words: 1800
Pages: 11
Citation Style: Harvard
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Sweat Analysis: A Painless Alternative to Real-Time Vital Signs Analysis: System Design
Topic: Health care
Sources: 10
Words: 1772
Pages: 9
Citation Style: Harvard
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Church Leadership Model
Topic: Management
Sources: 26
Words: 4257
Pages: 22
Citation Style: Chicago (A-D)
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Primary Health Care Practitioners’ Perception about Electronic Health Record Usability: Introduction
Topic: Management / Health care
Sources: 22
Words: 3673
Pages: 18
Citation Style: APA7
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Student Perception toward Social Media: A Review of Literature
Topic: Education
Sources: 20
Words: 2309
Pages: 13
Citation Style: APA7
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History of Social Media: A Review of Literature
Topic: Social Media
Sources: 8
Words: 859
Pages: 5
Citation Style: APA7
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Academic Text: Definition & Types

Academic text is a text written for the studies or while studying. It should be objective and logical, and it requires particular structure, style, format, and language according to the instructions. It should be based on proven facts, not emotions and personal opinions.

Academic Text Types

The four main types of academic texts are persuasive, analytical, descriptive, and critical. Let's dive into each of them.

  • A persuasive academic text is a text where you need to make your reader believe that the point you are making is true. You need to review the topic and provide solid evidence. A persuasive text may have the following: argument, evaluation, discussion, and taking a position.
  • An analytical text is a type of text where you need to analyze a topic. Although it includes descriptive writing, you should divide your information into types, groups, categories, parts, and relationships. An analytical text may consist of analysis, comparison, contrast, relation, and examination.
  • A descriptive text is a type of text where you need to deliver information or provide facts. For example, it may be a summary or a scientific report. Descriptive writing may include identification, report, record, summary, or definition.
  • A critical text is a type of text where you need to state at least one opposite opinion apart from persuading. It may be a critique of a piece of writing or a strengths and weaknesses essay. It may include debate, disagreement, evaluation, or critique.

Academic Text FAQ

An academic text is an objective text written for studying purposes. It has a particular structure, format, logic, and language. It doesn't just state one's opinion but relies on facts and evidence. There are four types of academic text: persuasive, analytical, descriptive, and critical. Look at our academic text samples for a better understanding.

The thesis statement is usually the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. It states the text's main point and lets the reader know what the text will be about. So, identify the main point first, then provide some evidence proving that point. The thesis should be short and easy to understand.

Language in the academic text is usually required to be formal. An academic text needs to have a special vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, terminology, etc. It shows a student's acquired skills and credibility of the work done. It shouldn't be too casual but somewhat professional.