Paraphrasing Tool for Thesis Writing

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Paraphrasing Tool for Thesis Writing: What Is It for?

To begin with, paraphrasing means delivering an idea using different words. While paraphrasing, you reword the whole concept and keep the source's main points. Thus, the fundamental rules of this task are retaining the essence and choosing the original vocabulary to present the idea.

Our free paraphrasing tool will help you:

  • Restate a thesis
  • Expand or shorten a dissertation or any other text while keeping its meaning

Ace your writing assignments and avoid plagiarism in a couple of clicks!

Paraphrasing Vs. Summarizing

What is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?

  • Paraphrasing implies rewriting the whole content of the source while summarizing means delivering only the main points.
  • Summarizing means making a text shorter; however, none allows using original quotes without referencing.

Is Paraphrasing Plagiarism?

Using someone else's ideas without referencing is considered plagiarism in academic writing. Paraphrasing might count as plagiarism if you don't credit the author. Thus, your piece is plagiarized even if you change the wording entirely but don't refer to the author. Remember always to mention the originator.

So, how do you avoid paraphrasing plagiarism? Your citations should be formatted correctly. You need to put the author and the date of publication in the text and all the detailed information about the source in your reference list.

Best Paraphrasing Tool for Thesis Writing

We highly recommend using the paraphraser tool when crafting a thesis statement for a dissertation. This part of the writing requires meticulous research and sentence structuring so that it includes only the necessary information. By employing this tool, you can streamline the formulation of a thesis statement and focus on the core concepts and contributions of the work without compromising academic integrity.

Look at the example below, where we demonstrate how the paraphraser converts a neutral sentence to a thesis statement.

  • Original sentence: "The rapid advancement of technology has significantly transformed various aspects of contemporary society."
  • Paraphrased to a thesis: "The rapid advancement of technology has catalyzed profound transformations in contemporary society, influencing everything from communication and commerce to social interactions and cultural paradigms."

Here, you see that the new version retains the original meaning but presents it in a different wording. Moreover, it provides the details required for a strong thesis statement.

Paraphrasing Tool for Dissertation – Examples

Now, the best way to explain the capacities of the free paraphraser is to demonstrate how it works. Let's look at the bad and good examples of paraphrasing the passage from Robert A. Dahl's article The Concept of Power.

Original text:

"A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something B would not otherwise do."

πŸ‘Ž Bad paraphrasing πŸ‘ Good paraphrasing
A has an influence on B. This influence is crucial that A can persuade B to do something that B wouldn't do otherwise. According to Dahl (1957), power is an influence that can persuade a person to do something that this person wouldn't do otherwise.

How to Paraphrase? 4 Best Tips

If you are still struggling with paraphrasing, here are some tips. You can use them together or separately in your work.

  1. Break down lengthy sentences.

Although you should try to stick to the initial number of words, you can break the long sentences down. If you have one compound sentence, you can split it into two or more simple ones.

  1. Change the order of ideas in one sentence.

Move the idea from the original sentence's beginning to the reworded one's end. For example, if the structure of the original sentence is cause first, then effect, swap them, put the impact first, and conclude it with the cause.

  1. Restate the words using synonyms.

Another suitable method of paraphrasing is using synonyms. Try using as many as you can. Be careful with terms and professional vocabulary.

  1. Change the voice of a sentence.

If a sentence was originally written in an active voice, change it into a passive and vice versa. For example, you can change "The book was written by him" to "He wrote this book."

Thesis Paraphrasing Tool Benefits

Our paraphraser can help you rewrite numerous pieces of text, so here are its significant advantages.

πŸ”“ Free Access The paraphrasing tool provides open and unrestricted access to users, allowing them to reword texts without any costs or subscription fees.
πŸ–ŠοΈ Adjustability Users can tailor the paraphrasing process to meet their specific needs. Adjust parameters to focus on key themes, length, or style preferences.
🏹 Coherence The tool generates highly logical and readable pieces and preserves the original content's essence.
🀌 Accuracy The tool employs advanced algorithms to broadcast the main points from the source material accurately.
♾️ Unlimitedness Users can benefit from limitless paraphrasing without encountering restrictions on usage.
πŸŽ“ Professionalism The tool maintains a standard of professionalism by delivering concise and well-structured rewordings suitable for academic, business, or professional contexts.

Best Paraphrasing Tool for Thesis: How to Choose?

You can surely do rewording by yourself, but it takes a lot of time. And what if you need it done as soon as possible? In that case, use a paraphrasing tool. So how do you choose one? Take into account these aspects while choosing a paraphraser:

  • Is there a word limit for the text?
  • Can you upload your text?
  • Can you download your text as a file?
  • Can you adjust the number of words in the outcome?
  • How long does it take to paraphrase the text?
  • Are there any ads on the website?
  • How much does it cost?
  • What software does it require?

Paraphrasing Tool: Questions & Answers

Paraphrasing is a crucial skill for college and high school students. While paraphrasing, you can also better understand the original material. You can use the information from different scholarly sources in your paper, but remember to give credit and cite appropriately. You can use our free online paraphrasing tool to save time.

Paraphrasing is restating the original idea using different words. The point is that you deliver some parts of the original writing and the details. Quoting, however, is copying some parts of the initial writing to your work using the appropriate references.

Paraphrasing shows how well you understand the source and can interpret it in your own words. However, you have to give credit to the original author. The paraphrased text should give the reader an accurate essence of the author's position. To do that efficiently, uncover all the facts presented in your source.

While paraphrasing, you should avoid word-by-word copying so as not to be caught cheating. Although you take someone else's idea, it is not illegal if you cite the source correctly. To save you time, we recommend using free online paraphrasing tools.
