Thesis Summary Generator

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Thesis Summarizer Advantages

✅ Universality The tool accommodates diverse subjects and content types, making it universally applicable for summarizing academic papers, articles, and other texts.
💻 Accessibility Accessible online, the tool ensures convenience for users, allowing them to generate summaries seamlessly from any device with internet connectivity.
🆓 Affordability As a free tool, it provides users with a budget solution for obtaining concise and accurate summaries of lengthy texts.
🎯 Preciseness The summary generator is precise, extracting critical details with accuracy. Users can modify the number of outcome sentences with an additional filter.
🤲 Simplicity With its user-friendly functionality, the tool provides a simple interface and operation to easily navigate and utilize its summarization capabilities.

🧐 Thesis Summarizer: What Is It for?

Summarizing is restating the main idea of writing in your own words. A summary is a shorter version of the original text that doesn’t include the author’s reflection or analysis.

Do not copy the original text or change its essence when writing an essay or thesis summary!

Students of all majors are assigned to write a summary at some point in their studies. This skill allows college students to easily navigate complex academic and professional texts and condense information while retaining its essence.

Use the thesis summarizer to:

  1. Revise for exams

Exam revision demands going through a massive amount of information. So, an effective revision method is to summarize your lectures and textbook materials.

  1. Review literature

If you’re writing a dissertation or any other kind of academic paper, it is necessary to summarize the literature resources you use in your work.

  1. Review others’ works

Depending on your research, it might be necessary to summarize a whole article or a chapter to prove your point.

  1. Shorten your text

Each academic assignment has a specific structure and word count to be met. Therefore, you might need to adapt a particular section to the requirements, and the summarizer tool will do this job perfectly.

Difference between Paraphrasing & Summarizing

Another technique to quickly modify the word count is paraphrasing.

Although these two terms are alike, there are crucial differences between paraphrasing and summarizing:

  • Paraphrasing means restating the information from the source using your own words. If you paraphrase, you don’t just state the main point but also provide details. Your final text can be slightly shorter or longer than the original one.
  • Summarizing also implies restating the information. However, you should only cover the main points. So, the summarized piece is usually shorter than the initial one.

Top 10 Summarizing Strategies

You might wonder how to summarize a thesis, literature paragraph, or other text. So, here are the ten strategies you can use in your academic and professional work. Look at the list and choose something you can benefit from.

SWBST Strategy

You can use the Somebody Wanted But So Then method for summarizing stories. It helps outline the action of the story or event by identifying key elements.

  • Somebody – the main character of the story.
  • Wanted – what the main character planned to do.
  • But – what stopped them from doing it.
  • So – the solution that the main character came up with.
  • Then – the conclusion of the story.

First, Then, Finally Technique

The First, Then, Finally strategy is helpful when you need to summarize the story in chronological order.

  • First – describe the main event that happened first and the main character.
  • Then – rewrite the climax of the story in your own words.
  • Finally – conclude the story.

State, Assign, Action, Complete Method

The State-Assign-Action-Complete strategy works well for any kind of writings.

  • State – mention the name of the piece of writing.
  • Assign – mention the author’s name.
  • Action – the author’s action. Write down if the author is explaining or telling something.
  • Complete – conclude the essay with the details.

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

Another summarizing strategy is The 5 Ws and 1 H.

  • Who – describe the main character of the story.
  • What – describe what happened to them.
  • When – describe when it happened.
  • Where – describe where it happened.
  • Why – describe the reason the main character did something.
  • How – describe how they did it.

3-2-1 Method

The 3-2-1 method is another strategy you can use for summarizing.

  • 3 – mention three main points of the material.
  • 2 – state the two things you disagree with.
  • 1 – add one question related to the main point.

Squares, Triangles, Circles

The Squares, Triangles, Circles technique is similar to the 3-2-1 method.

  • Think of four points that you agree with.
  • Then, three issues that are confusing to you.
  • Finally, one question you want to ask about the topic.

Text Transformation

The Text Transformation method works for any text. All you need to do is transform the material into a text of another genre.

  • You can summarize your science lecture into a newspaper article or your literature essay into an advertisement.
  • Use any variations that work for you.

You can try different summarizing strategies to find what works best for you. Remember always to use our thesis summarizer if you struggle with this task.

Thesis Summary Generator: Questions & Answers

The first step in summarizing a plot is reading it carefully. You need to understand it well to write a summary. Who is the main character? What are the main events in the story? Answer these and other specifying questions to grasp the content thoroughly.

Summarizing and paraphrasing have some differences. Summarizing implies restating the text's main points, making the final result shorter than the original writing. Paraphrasing is restating not only the main points but the whole idea of the original text.

You might need to summarize for several reasons:

  • To revise for a test,
  • To review the literature,
  • To reflect on others’ works for your paper,
  • To shorten your text.
