The price of your paper is based on a few criteria. Calculate it any time.

1 page / up to 275 words
Deadline School College Bachelor Masters PhD
14 days 12.04 13.00 16.02 20.00 27.96
7 days 16.02 17.01 19.00 23.98 29.95
5 days 20.00 21.99 24.98 26.97 33.93
3 days 24.98 26.97 28.95 32.94 37.91
48 hours 26.97 29.95 32.94 35.92 40.90
24 hours 28.95 33.93 35.92 39.90 43.88
12 hours 31.94 36.92 38.90 44.88 47.86
8 hours 36.92 39.90 41.89 49.85 52.83
3 hours 40.90 42.88 44.88 53.83 64.78
1 hour 44.17 46.31 48.47 58.14 --

The 4 criteria that determine the total cost of your order:

  1. The number of pages. One double-spaced page equals about 275 words.
  2. Your deadline. The price will be higher if you set a tight deadline.
  3. Your paper’s level of difficulty. It depends on the type of your assignment.
  4. Your study level. The price varies from your qualification.

Service plans for your best experience

1st Class
Over 98%
success rate
A top-5 expert with a doctoral degree and a background in your research area
90 days to request a free revision
Top priority of order processing
Premium-level support
Over 95%
success rate
A top-10 expert with a background in your research area
45 days to request a free revision
High priority of order processing
Superior-level support
100% original works of high quality
Best available expert with a background in your research area
14 days to request a free revision

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Plagiarism check

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Expert’s report

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Copies of the sources

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A preferred expert

You can always work with the same expert again if you like their previous work.