Thesis Titles: What’s In a Name?

Thesis Titles: What’s In a Name?

“What’s in a name?” is a famous quote from a no less famous Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”. It is Juliet’s monologue, where she is talking about the meanings of names and where she says that no matter how a rose will be called, it will still smell like a rose.

Unfortunately, this rule does not work the same well when it comes to creating thesis titles. As a rule, if a thesis title “smells” not that great, the rest of the project may seem the same “stinky” to the reader. At least, this is what usually happens in reality. If the reader is not attracted by a thesis title, most probably he/she will put away the whole project without reading it.

This is exactly why every thesis writer should be very careful with thesis titles and should take time to come up with the most impressive and catchy “name” for his/her work. We are glad to tell you what we know about thesis titles and to present useful tips and recommendations.

A thesis title vs. a thesis topic

Some students confuse thesis titles with topics, which usually results in poor and unattractive titles. An important rule you should remember is that a title should better reflect the gist of your project and its significance rather than its general subject.

Formal requirements for thesis titles

Probably, these formal requirements refer more to a thesis title page rather than to the title itself. Just do not forget that your thesis title page should be arranged according to the rules of the format used to organize the rest of your project. Check some details about a thesis in APA format.

How to check the effectiveness of your thesis title

If you have come up with several thesis titles but cannot decide which one is better, make a kind of survey. Go outside and start asking people to participate in the interview for your thesis, and every time give different titles you have created. Hope you know which thesis title will win.