How to Make a Strong Dissertation Question

How to Make a Strong Dissertation Question

In order to start writing a dissertation, a student needs to do two important things:

  • Pick out a topic;
  • Develop a dissertation research question.

Choosing a topic is not that difficult when a dissertation supervisor provides you with a list of possible dissertation topics. As for that dissertation research question, the situation is a bit more complicated.

The development of dissertation questions becomes one of the most crucial and difficult steps. It happens due to one simple fact – the development of your dissertation research question has a direct impact on other phases of dissertation writing.

Dissertation questions are rather helpful and important. Do you want to know why? Then continue reading.

  • Dissertation questions help students decide and define the theoretical framework of their project;
  • Dissertation questions help express the research problem their project addresses.

Check whether your dissertation research question is comprehensible. If it is unclear, the proposal will be unclear as well, and it may be disapproved.

There are several strategies on how to develop a strong dissertation research question. We are going to share them with you right now:

  • Consider your personal interests while choosing dissertation questions;
  • Research the chosen dissertation research question;
  • Show the dissertation research question to your dissertation supervisor.

The last point about dissertation questions is their major characteristics. They are:

  • Innovation – Suggest some innovative approach to disclosing your topic.
  • Clarity – The reader should get a clear idea of what you are going to write about from the very beginning. So, do not make it too complicated.
  • Feasibility – Try to avoid issues you do not really understand. Spend more time but pick out a strong and clear for you dissertation research question.

If you want to know everything about a good guide to writing a dissertation, read information presented on our blog.